Decision & Results

The principals and witnesses may be called for testimony several times before the committee renders a judgment. The committee deliberates in private and arrives at a decision by individual vote. If the student is found to have intentionally misled the committee during the course of the hearing, the committee may take that fact into account in reaching a conclusion and assigning a penalty. When a decision is reached, the student in question is called and informed of the judgment. Then the reporting witness is informed of the judgement, thanked for the exercise of a responsibility that is difficult but necessary, and cautioned against discussion of the case.

Finding of Not Responsible

If the student in question is found not responsible, all written record of the student's involvement in the case is destroyed.

Finding of Responsibility and Consequences

If a student is found responsible, the student is informed of the penalty, which is, at the committee's discretion, a reprimand, disciplinary probation, a suspension for one semester or one, two, or three years, a suspension with conditions, or in the case of a second offense, permanent expulsion. Only the dean of the college may review the final penalty.


An appeal of a decision of the Honor Committee should be directed to the Office of the Dean of the College within one week of the Committee's decision.  Such appeals can only be made on the grounds of procedural unfairness or harmful bias. The penalty levied by the Honor Committee may not be increased upon appeal. If the dean of the college determines that a penalty of the Honor Committee should be reduced, the dean will make a recommendation to the president, describing the reasons for the proposed modification, and the president will decide whether or not to implement the recommendation.